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Het woord catchup is een vreemd woord

13 korte fragmenten uit het WikiWoordenboek (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— In het Engels —
  • catchup n. Ketchup: Alternative form of catsup.
  • catchup n. Alternative spelling of catch-up.
  • catch-up n. An act of catching up or attempting to catch up.
  • catch-up n. An amount, a thing, or a receipt or repetition of information…
  • catch␣up v. (Transitive) To pick up suddenly.
  • catch␣up v. (Transitive) To entangle.
  • catch␣up v. (Intransitive) To be brought up to date with news.
  • catch␣up v. (Transitive) To bring (someone) up to date with the news.
  • catch␣up v. (Transitive, intransitive) To reach something that had been ahead.
  • catch␣up v. (Intransitive) To compensate for or make up a deficiency.
  • catch␣up v. (Intransitive) To finally reach something inevitable.
  • catch␣up n. Alternative spelling of catch-up.
— In het Portugees —
  • catchup s. (Estrangeirismo) molho saboroso preparado com cogumelos, tomate e vinagre.
7 Nederlandse woorden uit 13 buitenlandse definities

act been date form had Ketchup spelling

47 vreemde woorden uit 13 buitenlandse definities

ahead Alternative amount attempting bring brought brought␣up catch catching catching␣up catch␣up catsup cogumelos com compensate deficiency entangle Estrangeirismo finally for inevitable information intransitive make make␣up molho news pick pick␣up preparado reach receipt repetition saboroso someone something suddenly that the thing to␣date tomate Transitive up␣to up␣to␣date vinagre with

2 subwoorden (Woorden gevonden zoals ze binnen het woord zijn. Minimummaat van 3 letters.)

CAT hup

Willekeurig woordTerug naar boven
Vorige woordVolgend woord

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