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Het woord fuzzy is een vreemd woord

8 korte fragmenten uit het WikiWoordenboek (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— In het Engels —
  • fuzzy adj. Covered with fuzz or a large number of tiny loose fibres…
  • fuzzy adj. Vague or imprecise.
  • fuzzy adj. Not clear; unfocused.
  • fuzzy adj. (Computing theory) Employing or relating to fuzzy logic.
  • fuzzy n. (Often in the plural) A very small piece of plush material.
  • fuzzy n. Something covered with fuzz or hair, as an animal or plush toy.
  • fuzzy n. (Slang) A person, especially a college student, interested…
  • fuzzy n. (Slang, military) A soldier with the rank of private.
8 Nederlandse woorden uit 8 buitenlandse definities

clear college large military private rank Slang student

35 vreemde woorden uit 8 buitenlandse definities

animal Computing covered Employing especially fibres fuzz fuzzy fuzzy␣logic hair imprecise interested logic loose material Not number Often person piece plural plush plush␣toy relating small soldier Something the theory tiny toy unfocused Vague very with

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