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Het woord gotcha is een vreemd woord

10 korte fragmenten uit het WikiWoordenboek (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— In het Engels —
  • gotcha cont. Got you; have you; as in capture or apprehend.
  • gotcha cont. Understand you; comprehend you.
  • gotcha cont. Got you covered, got your back; when you have an advantage…
  • gotcha cont. Got you back; as in after causing some form of retaliation…
  • gotcha cont. Got you by surprise; exclamation indicating a successful trick or prank.
  • gotcha n. A potential problem or source of trouble.
  • gotcha n. An instance of publicly tricking someone or exposing them…
  • gotcha n. An attempt to disprove or refute someone’s argument, usually…
  • gotcha n. An instance of accomplishing a tricky idea or overcoming…
— In het Spaans —
  • gotcha s. Un juego donde los jugadores disparan bolas de pintura.
8 Nederlandse woorden uit 10 buitenlandse definities

argument back form have los prank surprise tricky

42 vreemde woorden uit 10 buitenlandse definities

accomplishing advantage after apprehend as␣in attempt bolas capture causing comprehend covered disparan disprove donde exclamation exposing got idea indicating instance juego jugadores overcoming pintura potential problem publicly refute retaliation some someone source successful them trick tricking trouble Understand usually when you your

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