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Het woord load is een vreemd woord

42 korte fragmenten uit het WikiWoordenboek (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— In het Engels —
  • load n. A burden; a weight to be carried.
  • load n. (Figuratively) A worry or concern to be endured, especially…
  • load n. A certain number of articles or quantity of material that…
  • load n. A quantity of washing put into a washing machine for a wash cycle.
  • load n. (In combination) Used to form nouns that indicate a large…
  • load n. (Often in the plural, colloquial) A large number or amount.
  • load n. The volume of work required to be performed.
  • load n. (Engineering) The force exerted on a structural component…
  • load n. (Electrical engineering) The electrical current or power…
  • load n. (Engineering) A resistive force encountered by a prime mover…
  • load n. (Electrical engineering) Any component that draws current…
  • load n. A unit of measure for various quantities.
  • load n. The viral load.
  • load n. A very small explosive inserted as a gag into a cigarette or cigar.
  • load n. The charge of powder for a firearm.
  • load n. (Obsolete) Weight or violence of blows.
  • load n. (Vulgar, slang) The contents (e.g. semen) of an ejaculation.
  • load n. (Euphemistic) Nonsense; rubbish.
  • load n. (Computing) The process of loading something, i.e. transferring…
  • load n. (Philippines) prepaid phone credit.
  • load v. (Transitive) To put a load on or in (a means of conveyance…
  • load v. (Transitive) To place in or on a conveyance or a place of storage.
  • load v. (Intransitive) To put a load on something.
  • load v. (Intransitive) To receive a load.
  • load v. (Intransitive) To be placed into storage or conveyance.
  • load v. (Transitive) To fill (a firearm or artillery) with munition.
  • load v. (Transitive) To insert (an item or items) into an apparatus…
  • load v. (Transitive) To fill (an apparatus) with raw material.
  • load v. (Intransitive) To be put into use in an apparatus.
  • load v. (Transitive, computing) To read (data or a program) from…
  • load v. (Intransitive, computing) To transfer from a storage medium…
  • load v. (Transitive, baseball) To put runners on first, second and third bases.
  • load v. (Transitive) To tamper with so as to produce a biased outcome.
  • load v. (Transitive) To ask or adapt a question so that it will be…
  • load v. (Transitive) To encumber with something negative, to place…
  • load v. (Transitive) To provide in abundance.
  • load v. (Transitive) To weight (A cane, whip, etc.) with lead or similar.
  • load v. (Transitive, archaic, slang) To adulterate or drug.
  • load v. (Transitive, archaic) To magnetize.
  • load v. (Philippines) to top up or purchase phone credits.
  • load n. (Internet slang, obsolete) A person that spends all day online…
— In het Spaans —
  • load v. Segunda persona del plural (vosotros, vosotras) del imperativo…
35 Nederlandse woorden uit 42 buitenlandse definities

baseball bases blows charge component concern credit credits data del draws drug engineering form from gag Internet item items large machine medium online power prepaid prime produce program put runners slang top transfer unit volume

137 vreemde woorden uit 42 buitenlandse definities

abundance adapt adulterate all all␣day amount and Any apparatus archaic articles artillery ask as␣to biased burden cane carried certain cigar cigarette colloquial combination computing contents conveyance current cycle day ejaculation electrical electrical␣current Electrical␣engineering encountered encumber endured especially etc Euphemistic exerted explosive Figuratively fill firearm first for force imperativo in␣abundance indicate insert inserted into Intransitive lead load loading magnetize material means measure mover munition negative Nonsense nouns number obsolete of␣an Often outcome performed person persona Philippines phone place placed plural powder prime␣mover process provide purchase quantities quantity question raw raw␣material read receive required resistive rubbish second Segunda Segunda␣persona semen similar small so␣as so␣as␣to something so␣that spends storage storage␣medium structural tamper that the third third␣bases top␣up transferring Transitive unit␣of␣measure use Used Used␣to various very violence viral viral␣load vosotras vosotros Vulgar wash washing washing␣machine weight whip will with work worry

18 keer in het midden (Nieuwe woorden gevormd door het toevoegen van een of meer letters voor en aan het einde van het woord.)

uploadt uploadde uploaden downloads downloadt uploadden uploadend downloadde downloaden uploadende downloadden downloadend downloadbaar downloadende clapperloader clapperloaders clapperloadertje clapperloadertjes

4 voorvoegsels (Nieuwe woorden gevormd door het toevoegen van een of meer letters voor het woord.)

upload preload download gedownload

7 anagrammen gevonden met een extra letter (Nieuwe woorden gevormd met de hele letter van het woord en een extra letter.)

Adolf aloud dogla gadol molad Roald saldo

3 anagrammen gevonden minus een letter (Nieuwe woorden gevormd met de hele letter van het woord minus een letter.)

dal dol ola

3 neven (Nieuwe woorden gevonden door slechts één letter te wijzigen.)

laad lood lord

Willekeurig woordTerug naar boven
Vorige woordVolgend woord

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