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Het woord rinkydink is een vreemd woord

10 korte fragmenten uit het WikiWoordenboek (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— In het Engels —
  • rinky-dink adj. (Informal) Of poor quality; shoddy, small-time, or amateurish.
  • rinky-dink adj. Crooked; underhanded.
  • rinky-dink adj. (Music) Tinkling and tinny.
  • rinky-dink n. (Countable) An amateur or someone who is underqualified.
  • rinky-dink n. (Countable) Something that is not up to acceptable standards.
  • rinky-dink n. (Countable) Deceptive or underhanded rigmarole; trickery.
  • rinky-dink n. (With ’the’) A bad deal; the result of a false promise.
  • rinky-dink n. (Countable) A small-time crook or conman; someone who operates unethically.
  • rinky-dink n. (Uncountable) A tinkling, tinny style of music; honky-tonk.
  • rinky-dink n. (Informal) A thingy; a miscellaneous thing or object.
6 Nederlandse woorden uit 10 buitenlandse definities

amateur bad deal object style time

45 vreemde woorden uit 10 buitenlandse definities

acceptable amateurish and conman Countable crook Crooked Deceptive false honky honky␣tonk Informal miscellaneous music not not␣up of␣a operates poor promise quality result rigmarole shoddy small small␣time someone Something standards that that␣is the thing thingy tinkling tinny tonk trickery Uncountable underhanded underqualified unethically up␣to who With

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