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Het woord stitch is een vreemd woord

20 korte fragmenten uit het WikiWoordenboek (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— In het Engels —
  • stitch n. A single pass of a needle in sewing; the loop or turn of…
  • stitch n. An arrangement of stitches in sewing, or method of stitching…
  • stitch n. (Countable and uncountable) An intense stabbing pain under…
  • stitch n. A local sharp pain (anywhere); an acute pain, like the piercing…
  • stitch n. A single turn of the thread round a needle in knitting; a…
  • stitch n. An arrangement of stitches in knitting, or method of knitting…
  • stitch n. A space of work taken up, or gone over, in a single pass of the needle.
  • stitch n. A fastening, as of thread or wire, through the back of a…
  • stitch n. (By extension) Any space passed over; distance.
  • stitch n. (Obsolete) A contortion, or twist.
  • stitch n. (Colloquial) Any least part of a fabric or clothing.
  • stitch n. (Obsolete) A furrow.
  • stitch n. The space between two double furrows.
  • stitch v. To form stitches in; especially, to sew in such a manner…
  • stitch v. To sew, or unite or attach by stitches.
  • stitch v. (Intransitive) To practice/practise stitching or needlework.
  • stitch v. (Agriculture) To form land into ridges.
  • stitch v. To weld together through a series of connecting or overlapping spot welds.
  • stitch v. (Computing, graphics) To combine two or more photographs…
  • stitch v. (More generally) To include, combine, or unite into a single whole.
20 Nederlandse woorden uit 20 buitenlandse definities

arrangement back combine form graphics land like loop more over part pass piercing series single spot taken thread turn twist

71 vreemde woorden uit 20 buitenlandse definities

acute Agriculture and Any anywhere as␣of attach between By␣extension clothing Colloquial Computing connecting contortion Countable distance double especially extension fabric fastening furrow furrows generally gone gone␣over include intense into Intransitive knitting least local manner method needle needlework Obsolete of␣a overlapping pain passed passed␣over photographs practice practise ridges round sew sewing sharp space spot␣welds stabbing stitches stitching such taken␣up the through together two uncountable under unite weld welds weld␣together whole wire work

Een anagram (Nieuw woord gevonden door de volgorde van de letter te wijzigen.)


2 anagrammen gevonden met een extra letter (Nieuwe woorden gevormd met de hele letter van het woord en een extra letter.)

Attisch switcht

Een anagram gevonden minus een letter (Nieuw woord gevormd met de hele letter van het woord minus een letter.)


Een neef (Nieuw woord gevonden door slechts één letter te wijzigen.)


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